International School Fees Rise by 20% in 2018
Following the publication of a recent survey by ExpatFinder.com, the international relocation guide has reported a huge increase in school fees since 2017.
The survey looked at 688 international schools across 27 countries; revealing a staggering 19 per cent rise in school fees this year. Some countries reported a more substantial hike in fees than others; Singapore saw an increase of 20% and Luxembourg reached a staggering 31% respectively.
As a result of changes in international moving and costs of living, it’s not uncommon for tuition fees to rise. However, current expatriates will be feeling the pinch of providing for their children abroad, particularly as the demand for international school places by affluent locals rises.
Some of the most expensive countries for international education are:
- China: While the total cost of a child’s education varied greatly between the 688 countries, China topped the table for ‘most expensive schools in the world’. For expatriates living in China, their child’s education could cost them US$33,591 per annum.Moreover, the study found that the aspirations of Chinese families to have an “English-medium” and “internationally oriented education” fueled the demand for international schools in the country.
- Switzerland: Switzerland is home to some of the most exclusive and expensive schools in the world, which is why a year of education will cost US$32,453. In 2016, a report by The Telegraph listed five of the top boarding schools in the world; all of which were based in Switzerland.
Global mobility experts explain the trend for exclusive; international schools in Switzerland as a result of the multinational companies based in Geneva. These expatriates have created a huge demand for high-quality schools in the area where the children can earn an International General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE).
- Singapore: According to this year’s International School Fee Survey, it costs a total of US$25,758 to attend school in Singapore. As one of the most expensive countries in the world; it’s not hard to understand why Singapore’s international schools are some of the most expensive in the world.After all, international schools in Singapore offer the acclaimed International Baccalaureate qualification, demanding more teachers to a classroom. This allows schools to require higher tuition fees from attendees.
Want to find out more information about international schools in your transfer destination?
Galleon International has a team of global mobility experts. Our experts can provide you with all the information you need regarding your overseas move. As part of our corporate relocation services; our transatlantic partners can provide you with all local knowledge and contact details you will require when settling into your new home.
Finally, for more information on how Galleon International can be there to help you with moving overseas; get in touch today on 01708 868 068.